At O’Connell Family Law, we can help you through all the legal matters arising from relationship breakdown. We understand the complexity that family law issues can cause, which is why we employ a pragmatic and specialised approach to reach solutions that allow you to move forward with your life.
With over 18 years of experience in family law, our team takes the time to understand your family situation. We advise you on the optimal route to resolution where Court is always the last resort. We can work with you to negotiate, mediate or collaborate so that all parties are in a position to move forward with their lives in the most pragmatic and peaceful way possible.
Our lawyers have a deep understanding of all areas of family law, including divorce & separation, same sex relationships, children’s issues, grandparent (or other non-parent carers) involvement, property settlement, Binding Financial Agreements, superannuation splits, legal aid and more.
We know that such issues are not always straightforward, so be sure to talk to a professional regarding possible resolutions before your family law issues become overwhelming.
At O’Connell Family Law, we take the time to understand you and your family, and we are committed to guiding you towards your best outcome every step of the way. Having practised in Family Law for over 20 years, we use our expertise to act fast and protect your interests, and where possible settle your case at the earliest opportunity with your desired outcomes in mind. We emphasise that disputes are best negotiated or mediated out of court, but if the matter escalates and litigation is necessary, we are prepared to fight for your rights. Follow the steps outlined below to get the ball rolling.
Please send an email or fill out the form at the bottom of the page, providing your contact details and a short summary of your concerns.
We will hear your story, give you general advice about your legal options, and give you an estimate on costs and time frame. Free by telephone for up to 30 minutes.
If you decide to engage us, we will act quickly to work on an outcome to resolve your dispute so you can move on with your life.
Please send an email or fill out the form at the bottom of the page, providing your contact details and a short summary of your concerns. This way, we can make a time to call you back when we have time to focus on you and your matter.
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